The past few weeks Jack has been identifying with Tim more and more. He wants to do what he does, eat what he eats, drink what he drinks.

He wants to be just. like. his Daddy.

Or as Jack calls him, Da. (Yeah, he’s already too cool to call him Daddy anymore.)

Since Cole has been born, Jack has spent a lot more time with Tim in the mornings while I feed Cole. Last Thrusday, Jack went missing for a bit during the day and when I found him, he was in our master bathroom “getting ready”. I just had to snap a few pictures.

He was shaving…

…fixing his hair…

…and of course, putting on his deodorant. Don’t want to offend the girls in Waumba!

I thought it was the cutest thing…and no coaching was involved in any of these pictures. We have caught him pulling these items out of Tim’s drawer many times in the past.

Isn’t it crazy how observant kids are?

Makes you really want to prayerfully consider your actions and habits. Setting a good example for our boys in our everyday life will speak volumes more than just telling them the right things to do. They are watching us all the time, and every moment is a teachable one.

With love, Malorie